Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Bodleian Library

I will allow two historic figures in Christianity to describe my day from their own writings, while giving my updated version:

From John Wesley’s Journal: “Being in the Bodleian Library, I light on Mr. Calvin’s account of the case of Michael Servetus…”

From Steve’s blog: “Being in the Bodleian Library, I light on Bernard of Clairvaux’s account of Conversion…”

From Adam Clarke (Published in 1858): “After my labor yesterday at the Bodleian, I went to visit several colleges, and, among the rest, Lincoln, of which Mr. J. Wesley was fellow. One of the poorest-looking of the colleges; but it has been the parent, under God, of the greatest work of a spiritual and reforming nature that has appeared upon earth since the second century. How many millions have been saved since John and Charles Wesley first gave themselves to God in this place!

From Steve's blog: "After my labor today at the Bodleian, I went to visit one college, Lincoln, of which Mr. J. Wesley was fellow..."

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