Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Memorial Service in Wales

Saturday, I had the privilege of attending a memorial service for my Aunt’s Father in Wales. After a three hour journey, my first solo flight on the left side of the road, I arrived at a quaint and quite old Methodist Chapel in the mountains. The service was beautiful! My aunt told me I would never hear the hymn “Bread of Heaven” sung anywhere like I would in an old Welsh chapel. I think she was right. The people sang at the top of their lungs as the harmonies reverberated through the old chapel. My Aunt's father was a professor of classics and classical Greek. A former student offered a beautiful tribute capturing his deep love for his subject and his students. Afterward, I enjoyed meeting some of my Aunt's extended family and catching up with my cousins.

I learned a lot about the rich culture which I hope to expand upon in a later post.


  1. So, if they have an evangelistic series there, would that be an attempt to "save the Wales"?

  2. This sounds amazing. How wonderful that you were able to experience that with your family! So wonderful!

  3. It sounds so rich in many senses of the word. What a thrill to be in the throes of such history. That which you are experiencing and sharing with all of us and the memories you are making together as a family.

