Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Christ Church College

I learned how to do uppercase letters on the kindle finally. I do have two new postings on my computer, but I am still awaiting internet connection, hopefully tomorrow they will post here.

Today, as a family we toured Christ Church College. Christ Church possesses a number of claims to fame. The main entry is located under a magnificent tower designed by Christopher Wren in 1682. The cathedral has portions which date back to the 13th century. John and Charles Wesley were ordained there, as they completed their studies through Christ Church. The 16th century dining hall served as the cafeteria of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter movies. Natalie enjoyed seeing where the real Alice in Wonderland grew up, while Alana liked the echo her voice made amidst the stone construction.

I wrote about my afternoon in a draft on my computer. Tune in tomorrow.

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