Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Many factors define who we are, including personality type, genetics, upbringing, experiences, convictions, etc. However, I find a covert influence lurking all around us, often remaining allusive and undetected, but whose effect upon us cannot be measured due to its vastness. This shaper of persons defines our behavior, perspective, language, and values, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. What could possibly impact us so strongly? In a word--culture.

We may try to fight against it or deny its sway over us, but when it comes right down to it we find ourselves a product of our cultural environment. I asked a dangerous question to a couple of people native to Great Britain, "what are some of the cultural faux pas committed by Americans?" A resounding answer arose, "Americans are too loud!" At first, I didn't understand what was meant by this accusation. However, as I began observing my surroundings, it didn't take long for me to see exactly what our neighbors across the ocean were seeing in us. In England, quiet remains a sign of respect for others. Admittedly, in public places I began to find my voice echoing above the crowd. As I heard others speaking loudly, I listened a little closer only to hear a quite familiar accent resounding from the unusually noisy people--the accent of Americans. Unfortunately, I soon realized how true it is, we Americans truly are loud.

In my trips to Nicaragua, I asked a similar question to the Nicaraguans only to find their perspective of Americans tended to focus on our materialism. My last trip to Nicaragua was followed by a trip to Naples, Florida only to see materialism reaching its summit. Sometimes these outside perspectives are necessary to help us see what we can't due to our immersion in our surroundings. I can't help but wonder, in what ways are we so shaped by our culture, but completely unaware because it is so strongly a part of us?

1 comment:

  1. I often find myself taking a step back from situations most would classify as normal. There are many things simply 'accepted' by Americans as normal and as I mature in my walk with God I ask Him what these things are. What I find most appealing in the situation is to explore and immerse myself in other cultures, I love and embrace culture, shunning what most would consider 'natural'. I was greatly challenged to do so by a song lyric (surprising, I know!) that states simply, 'Beware of what come natural'. This had a great impression on me. What comes naturally to me? If it is such and such, can I be sure it's God or is it some other driving force? A person good at speaking and feels very natural in front of a crowd isn't necessarily supposed to be a preacher, teacher, or speaker. Perhaps God wants them to use that knowledge to encourage others to speak in front of crowds or a thousand other possibilities. I see the importance of being aware of what comes 'natural'. So many times we get caught up and say our cultural ways are natural, or even bull-headedly we claim them as 'right'!
    Even in this way, English in our natural tongue, say God wants you to minister in a foreign country, their language is not natural to you and may even be quite trying, but God will challenge that 'naturality' and shed His much-better-than-our light on it! He's cool like that! So, I'm sure you'll be bringing some of that European culture back to our land, but quietness has it's place, soft speaking takes stead at times, but preaching as one in authority may need to be heard quite loud so that when encouraging the Lovely Flock to hear God's voice they make a clear distinction between the 'boom' of the pastor and the still, quiet of the Master... Just random food for thought and ideas put out there by a man who can't quite count enough sheep. :)
    P.S.-I love you all and miss you desperately! I trust this will find you well and good just know that there is a hurt in my heart (what portion of it is open/opening) that hurts very much at out distance. I love you like I suspect a family is to love one another, and how Jesus encourages us to love one another! Safe return, God willing you return when you plan, all my love, Holy Spirit guide their step closer and closer unto Thee. Amen, brother, and sisters.
